This is what this blog was made for.
Okay, I didn't technically burn soup. I burnt the vegetables that go in the soup. The first part of the recipe calls for cooking cauliflower, carrots, and onions (I omit the celery) in a couple of tablespoons of butter/margarine/whatever you choose, for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.
Once in fifteen minutes does not equal 'occasionally'.
Now, I'm not new to cooking. I know that the vegetables needed to be stirred more than that. So I must have been doing something of great importance, right?
I was playing 'Farmville'.
Apparently, I care more about my virtual vegetables than those of the edible variety.
All was not lost, thankfully. The right ingredients can hide a myriad of screw-ups. The soup didn't look as delicious as it normally does, but it tasted more or less the same.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go plant some squash.