Ah, I know, I'm technically into Wednesday now. Apologies all around.
Anyway, let's talk food! That is why we are all here after all. Tonight, despite my waning motivation to make dinner for one, I made Double Musky Scampi from The Double Musky Inn Cookbook. This recipe included The Double Musky's Cajun Rice, so I actually prepared two recipes from the book. There were no huge modifications. I forgot to buy a green pepper at the store, so I used hollowed out jalapenos, and I have no idea what Mongolian Fire Oil is (or where to get it) so I used red pepper flakes. I also omitted the roasted pecans because, well, I was too lazy to bother roasting any.
It was delicious. I'm a huge fan of shrimp anyway, so it was kind of a shoe-in for me, but it really was very good.
This is yet another cell phone shot. I swear, tomorrow I will charge my camera's battery.