Another tasty dinner! I'm really starting to see what I've been missing by neglecting these cookbooks all these months (and, um, years in some cases).
There was a little confusion tonight though, as well as a pretty big modification, well, omission really. First, the confusion; as you may have read on the menu, tonight was French Pepper Steak Kabobs from The Double Musky Inn Cookbook. And it was, except nowhere in the recipe did skewers come into play. So, the word "kabobs" was somewhat misleading. Oh well, I'm not picky about how I eat my food.
The glaring omission from Chris's plate (pictured above) was the Double Musky's Brown (Burgundy) sauce. I went to make dinner around 9pm, not realizing the sauce had to simmer for thirty minutes at least, if not up to an hour. Chris leaves for work at 10:30pm, so waiting that long for the sauce wasn't really an option. Plus, I was hungry! The sauce is just supposed to go over the top of the steaks, so while I'm sure it would have been great, I don't feel like we missed too much.
Tomorrow is Apple Stuffed Chicken. Sounds good!