Friday, March 5, 2010


There is little else that I love to see in my kitchen more than this:

(Again, I have no idea why these are so foggy on the blog.)

I also am loving the new Griddler. I'll be using it with the grill plates for steak tomorrow.

Take a closer look at this one. Oh yeah, this guy is mine.

Of course, they are all mine. Chris doesn't like leftover pancakes. Actually, Chris doesn't like any pancakes that aren't of the chocolate chip variety.
And when I said they were all mine, I meant all but one of them.
This one is for Guinness.

It was the reject "bowl scraping" pancake.

Oh how good you were giant, less giant, and two small pancakes.

I think everyone likes their pancakes a certain way, but I have to tell you all that once again PW rocks it out. Check out her recipe for 'Perfect Pancakes'.