Sunday, March 7, 2010

What a Steak Dinner Looks Like at My House.

Just like everyone likes their pancakes a certain way, I think everyone likes their steak a certain way. Just the meat, loaded with seasonings, medium-rare, leather--ergh I mean "well-done", with a baked potato, mashed potatoes, rice pilaf (weirdos), everyone has their own brand of the steak dinner. This is one of mine.

Steaks. Ribeye, please.

The one in front is mine. Call me crazy, but I'm not a huge fan of marbling. I don't care what "they" say. I don't care what has been proven. I like to look at a steak and see meat, not fat. 
But sadly I can't eat that whole steak, so I cut it down to size.

And then this guy's day...

...gets a whole lot better.

My steak seasoning is the stuff of legends. Not really, but my husband who thinks steak should "taste like meat" enjoys it, and it has once been requested by my brother who is the pickiest eater I know. It's simple, it's good, and it changes each time. The amount of each ingredient does at least, the basic formula stays more or less the same.

Salt, pepper, Lawry's, dried onion flakes, dried parsley, Montreal Steak Seasoning, Worcestershire sauce, rub it all in, flip it over and do the same to the other side.




Throw the steaks off to the side and prep the rest of the ingredients in your meal. For me that would be broccoli, mushrooms, and a potato in some form. Tonight I did grilled. Usually, I make mashed. Every once in a blue moon I'll do baked, but my oven and microwave leave something to be desired, and I just can't be bothered to wait that long most days. But I digress...

Boil the potato disks until just tender and drain. (Then, if your me, get water boiling in the pot again to steam the broccoli.) Lay the disks out and spray with butter (or brush melted butter on...this would be so much better I think, but I've already had Alfredo this week, so it was 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter' for me.) and sprinkle desired seasonings over the top. I used salt, pepper, parsley, garlic powder, and a pinch of ground dry mustard.

(Ignore my stove spill, please.)

Next up, get them on the grill! I am loving this Griddler more by the day.

(Can you guess which two should have stayed in the water a bit longer? No worries. We didn't need five potatoes each anyway.)

Once they have spent a few minutes grilling up, start steaming your vegetable and cooking those mushrooms if you are into that sort of thing. In this house we happen to be very into that sort of thing. I brown them up in a few sprays of butter, then add pepper, Lawry's, and Worcestershire.

This is how they should have stayed. Then everything was cooking, and I got bored and added more Worcestershire. I do things like that. I don't know why. Especially since I take the Chris approach to mushrooms...meaning, I think they should taste like mushrooms. Tonight's barely retained their orgininal flavor after adding all of the seasonings. I could have added more "butter" to the broccoli. I could have added more garlic to the potatoes, but instead I chose to bastardize the mushrooms. It's a crazy world.

Meanwhile, It was time to throw Chris's steak on the grill. He is one of those people who enjoy eating a medium-well to well-done steak. He rarely, if ever, gets that. It's not because I think it's wrong to cook a steak that long, I just physically cannot do it. It usually ends up medium. It drives me nuts to see a steak cooking that long, and I'm always sure it has to be way overcooked (and to me, it is). He has yet to really complain, so I just stick to what I know.

You may also see that I flipped the potatoes.

I *heart* grill lines.

I let those cook up some more, and when it was time to flip Chris's steak I tossed mine on as well. I'm a medium-rare kind of girl. Actually, I'm the kind of girl who would just as soon sear each side for 30 seconds and eat it like that. As long as it looks cooked on the outside and is warm throughout, I'm happy.  What would that be? Rare? Almost rare? Not quite medium-rare? Whatever it is, if it doesn't melt in my mouth I want no part of it.

(Yes, I realize that was unnecessary.)

Eventually, I flip my steak, serve up the broccoli and potatoes, and get the steaks off the grill. It all ends up looking something like this:

Yum. Add some A-1 and some ranch for the potatoes, and I am good to go!