Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Two Meals in One...

Two meals in one post that is. Actually, I got two meals out of the risotto, and it might have been even better the next day.

Story time! I might have mentioned on here, and I definitely mentioned over at Life Moves Pretty Fast... that, while at Yokota, I went to a delicious little Italian restaurant right out of the gate. I went there twice and had Risotto both times. The first night I had Risotto Parmigiano, and the second night I had Risotto with Prosciutto, which also had a wonderful herb called Rocket in it. I tried to recreate the Risotto with Prosciutto on Sunday night. It went pretty well! I wish the Prosciutto would have been thinner, and I wish I had been able to find Rocket.

Once again, this is a "ruse"-otto because, Lord forgive me, that is Minute Rice in there. I might just be saying this because I've never had Arborio rice (that I know of), but it all works the same to me. Just like any risotto, I cook my "ruse"-otto slowly in a cup of liquid to start out with, then just adding more in as need be. This was 1.5 cups of Minute Rice in Chicken Broth. I think I used almost two cans.

I also added a tablespoon or two of butter and some half & half when I felt it needed to be creamier. Also, I didn't want to over do it on the Chicken Broth flavor.

Meanwhile, I prepped my favorite ingredient. Mmm. Parmesan. I bought this bowl in Tokyo.
I like being able to say that.
"Well, Kristen, that sure is a neat looking bowl. Where'd you pick up that gem?"
"Oh, you know, just strolling the kitchen shops in downtown Tokyo."
Anyway...on to another great ingredient.

Because the Chicken Broth was slowly taking over even with the half & half I continued to add. And also because, well, why not? I added maybe a splash too much, but I just cranked up the heat, kept stirring that rice, and let it reduce.

(Insert Rocket here.) Parsley will have to do.

I used almost the whole bowl of shredded parmesan which was almost a whole wedge. Got that?

Stir together adding wine/broth/half & half as wanted or needed for desired consistency. Don't forget salt and pepper! You probably won't need a ton of salt. I didn't use much. I went a little nutty with the black pepper. I don't think there is such a thing as too much fresh ground black pepper. Once everything has melted together you are left with a delicious, cheesy, creamy, gooey, fattening mess of deliciousness. The way it was intended to be...

"Oh, wow Kristen! Those plate/mini platters are really neat too! They look like they match the bowls."
"Yep, they do. Picked them up at the same shop."
"Where was that again?"
"In Tokyo."
At this point there was room in the pan so I tossed in maybe two tablespoons of chicken broth and quickly heated up three slices of Prosciutto. I didn't want it cooked at all, just hot.

You don't even have to use Prosciutto though. Like I said, I ate just the Risotto reheated the next day, and it was still awesome.
Love stuff that keeps like that.

Yesterday was Chicken Curry with Potatoes and Jasmine Rice. It was good, but it about melted my face off...and I like spicy!

Tonight, well, tonight is another story. Story time! While at Yokota the girls from training and I went to a mall. The other teller from Misawa had something from Taco Derio called 'Taco Rice". I had never heard of this before, but it could not have been easier to make or more delicious.

I started off by browning turkey. Yes, for tacos and the like I use the other-other white meat. Yes, that is a potato masher off to the side. I use it to break up my meat. Try it if you have a squiggly one like I do. It's sure to change your life.

Work that McCormmick's magic and turn that turkey into taco meat.

At this point (actually, before this point) you should start on the rice. Just use Minute and pop it in the microwave.
I also went and prepared the rest of my ingredients and ate a salted Roma tomato with lemon juice.
Because it sounded good, that's why.
Finally, (not that this takes long) time to assemble.

Rice and cheese.

Then some meat and lettuce...

Avocado slices and salsa. 

This was delicious, quick, and easy. I wolfed it down. I so wish my homemade salsa would have kept long enough to let me use it on this, but alas, Pace made due, and it was still amazing.
Give it a try.